Retirement Transition & Pension Consolidation

Do you have:

  • Employees who have contributed to other pensions before being employed with your organization?
  • ·A pension from another period of employment?
  • ·Family members / friends looking to consolidate or access pension funds?
  • ·Employees who want to transition to retirement?

We have dedicated specialists who will ensure a smooth transition from your Pension Plan to retirement. For status employees, we can ensure that funds earned on-reserve maintain their tax free status.

Advantages of Pension Consolidation

  • Reduce risk of losing track of Pension Assets
  • Confirm Tax-Exemption
  • Ensure accuracy of Account Information – Beneficiary
  • Investment Review and Implement necessary adjustments
  • Ease of Tracking Investments
  • Ability to provide timely Pension Projections
  • Certain Guarantees offered under Individual Plans – Maturity and Death Benefit Guarantees
  • Continued Creditor Protection with Individual Plan
Contact Joel Gagnon, our retirement specialist for all your options.


Free consultation, no obligation.